A New Scientific Approach Converting Atrial Fibrillation With Oral Magnesium Supplements

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BOZEMAN, Mont., Jan. 22, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common abnormal heart rhythm affecting 6 million people in the USA and can cause strokes and heart failure. Conventional treatments are successful but may need to be repeated, have inherent risks, and are expensive. Alan Wanderer, MD., board-certified clinical immunologist, announces publication of his book on Amazon, “ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: How A Physician Converted His Atrial Fibrillation to Normal Heart Rhythm With A Low-Risk, Low-Cost Protocol.”

The protocol is based on underappreciated scientific observations about AF and magnesium (Mg). He converted his 2-year AF to normal heart rhythm (NHR) for sixteen months. An independent Ph.D. statistician confirmed his data as highly significant. Essential features are:

  • Recognizing the implementation requires meeting clinical criteria and involvement of healthcare professionals;
  • Importance of selecting optimal oral magnesium (Mg) supplement(s) based on published scientific data;
  • Recognizing oral Mg supplement must be administered between six to twenty weeks to determine efficacy converting AF to NHR. This is based on knowledge Mg has a half-life of 6 weeks, meaning if a person has adequate Mg stores but eliminates Mg in their diet, total Mg stores will reduce by 50 % in 6 weeks. AF individuals are generally Mg deficient; consequently, Mg supplementation requires multiple 6-week half-lives to replenish Mg;
  • Oral Mg supplements cannot alone replenish Mg deficiency in individuals with AF and require consuming foods fortified in Mg;
  • Self-monitoring electrocardiograms (EKGs) three to four times daily with smartphone apps to determine if AF converts to NHR. This is essential because AF-afflicted individuals can have periods of asymptomatic AF and be unaware it converted to NHR.
  • Emphasis on potassium (K) deficiency as a cause of AF and replenishing by oral supplements and/or foods fortified with K;
  • Eliminating dehydration as a trigger of AF. Ten percent of AF individuals are chronically dehydrated. Vigorous exercise or an infection with fever can worsen dehydration.

Dr. Wanderer does not suggest his protocol should replace conventional therapeutic interventions for AF conversion, especially for symptomatic AF individuals needing immediate treatment. Based on his experience, it may offer a low-risk option for asymptomatic AF individuals who meet criteria and elect to implement this protocol with involvement of their healthcare professionals.

Contact: [email protected]

Alan Wanderer, M.D.

SOURCE Anson Publishing, LLC

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