Tag: stent

Balloon Expandable Stents OUT for Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease?

by Ken Dropiewski, Prime-Core Executive Search (ken@prime-core.com) Balloon expandable stents have been the mainstay in treating blockages in the iliac arteries for years. However, recent data suggests a change is in order. According to researchers who recently compared the two versions in a large group of patients being treated in northern Europe, found that self-expanding […]

St. John Hospital & Medical Center 1st in U.S. to Treat High Risk Patient with New Heart Stent and Pump

DETROIT, June 2, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Heart care experts at St. John Hospital & Medical Center (SJH&MC) are the first in the country to treat a high risk patient with the use of a heart pump and newly approved heart stent technology. The procedure was performed by SJH&MC cardiologist, Antonious Attallah, M.D. The new technology is […]

Getinge launches the new Advanta V12 – 32mm Balloon Expandable Covered Stent

Press release:  Maquet Getinge Group 2017-04-21 Getinge is proud to announce the launch of the Advanta™ V12™ 32mm length* balloon expandable covered stent at Charing Cross International Congress. This is a much needed addition to the Advanta™ V12™ product offering and will allow clinicians additional treatment options for optimal patient outcomes. With over 200 clinical […]